Terms & Conditions for Therapists Coworking by Epistamai
The Member Agreement
The Therapists Coworking by Epistamai Community was created to foster and support a professional business community for therapists at 565 Northside Dr SW Suite C101, Atlanta, GA 30310. Members are provided with therapy rooms, workspace, tables, chairs, trash cans, internet connectivity, a collaborative community, and other resources.
By joining Therapists Coworking, members agree to abide by the community's rules ("Rules of Therapists Coworking" or "Rules"). The goal of this community is to provide access to private practice support in a respectful and collaborative environment. Members must adhere to the Rules, as failure to do so may impact the community as a whole. This agreement ("Member Agreement") outlines the expectations for all members.
As an independent practitioner using Therapists Coworking's space, you are responsible for maintaining your licensure, practicing within your scope, and following Georgia Composite Board rules and regulations. If you are seeing clients, you must also carry your own liability insurance.
For any questions regarding this Agreement or the Rules, contact us at cowork@epistamai.net.
1. Conduct
Therapists Coworking is, first and foremost, a place to work. Members are expected to behave professionally, treat others with respect, and leave any space they use in the same or better condition than they found it.
At the owner’s discretion, or upon notice from other members, disruptive or abusive language or behavior will result in a warning and a mark against your membership (a “strike”). Upon the third strike, your membership will be revoked. Membership may be revoked prior to the third strike at the owner’s sole discretion.
General Rules:
Indoor Voice: Be mindful of noise levels, as others are working.
Phone Calls: Short calls (under two minutes) may be taken in common areas. For longer calls, please use the conference room.
Internet Use: Internet use must be responsible and lawful. Activities such as BitTorrent use or viewing pornography are strictly prohibited.
Harassment: Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Violations will result in immediate sanctions or expulsion from the space.
Guests: Guests are welcome for lunch, quick meetings, or visits but must adhere to the Rules.
Privacy: Respect the privacy of clients. Avoid discussing client details in common areas and use sound machines to protect confidentiality.
Client Care: Members must not provide services beyond their license or scope of practice.
Room Usage: Rooms must be booked prior to use. Clean up after using therapy rooms and return any rearranged furniture to its original setup.
Refrigerator Use: Food stored in the refrigerator should be for same-day use. Food older than one week may be discarded. Labeling your food helps prevent it from being thrown away.
Trash and Cleaning: Clean up any mess you make. Regular cleaning is scheduled for Sundays.
Supplies: If supplies are running low, email cowork@epistamai.net.
Printer and Shredder Use: These are shared resources. Be considerate with printing.
Overnight Use: Sleeping at the coworking space is strictly prohibited. Violations will result in immediate membership revocation.
Temperature Control: The HVAC system is on a schedule. Do not adjust the temperature by more than three degrees. Report any issues to the owner.
Pets: Animals, except for service animals, are not allowed without prior permission.
Access Control: Members must not share their personal access codes. A separate code is provided for clients. Report any safety concerns immediately.
Firearms: Possession of firearms or weapons is strictly prohibited on the premises.
2. Changes
Therapists Coworking reserves the right to update the Rules or this Agreement. Members will be notified of changes via email or notices posted on the website. It is the member’s responsibility to review updates.
3. Fees
Membership fees are collected monthly, quarterly, or annually.
If billed in error, please contact cowork@epistamai.net before disputing charges.
Fees must be paid upfront. Therapists Coworking does not maintain tabs.
Membership cancellations require 30 days’ notice. For example, if your membership renews on May 15th, you must cancel by April 15th.
Room booking cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance to avoid the $15/hour fee.
4. Termination
Membership may be terminated for violations of the Rules, unlawful conduct, or any actions that disrupt Therapists Coworking operations. Members must not:
Attempt to access unauthorized systems or networks.
Damage, disable, or impair the coworking space or its services.
Engage in any unlawful activity on the premises.
Therapists Coworking reserves the right to revoke memberships immediately for severe violations.
5. Prohibited Uses
Members must not:
Engage in pyramid schemes, chain letters, spam, or similar activities.
Defame, harass, or violate the rights of others.
Post or disseminate inappropriate, profane, or unlawful material.
Use or upload software that infringes intellectual property rights.
Upload files containing viruses or malicious software.
6. Confidentiality
Members may be exposed to confidential information ("Confidences") during their membership. Confidences include trade secrets, business information, technology, and other proprietary data. Members must:
Maintain confidentiality and not disclose or use Confidences without permission.
Acknowledge that all Confidences remain the property of their respective owners.
7. Complaints
Members are encouraged to report concerns or complaints directly to Nakita at cowork@epistamai.net. Defamatory or disparaging comments about Therapists Coworking or other members are discouraged.
8. Liability
Therapists Coworking is not liable for lost, stolen, or damaged personal items. While efforts are made to ensure a safe environment, members are responsible for securing their belongings. Additionally:
Therapists Coworking is not liable for damages or injuries to clients or guests brought onto the premises by members.
Liability for damages caused by members rests solely with the member.
9. Health Policy
Members must not use the space if they are sick or experiencing symptoms such as cough, fever, or difficulty breathing. By using the coworking space, members agree to:
Adhere to health guidelines and maintain hygiene practices.
Release Therapists Coworking from liability for illness or injury connected to use of the space.
10. Disclaimer
Therapists Coworking provides its services "as is" without warranties of any kind. Members assume full responsibility for their use of the space. In no event shall Therapists Coworking or its agents, owners, or employees be liable for damages arising from the use of its services.
11. Indemnification
Members agree to indemnify and hold Therapists Coworking, its owners, employees, and agents harmless against claims, damages, or losses resulting from:
Member negligence, misconduct, or violation of the Rules.
Injuries or damages caused by the member's clients or guests.
12. Consent
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Georgia. All disputes must be resolved in Atlanta, GA. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid, the remaining provisions remain in effect.
By joining Therapists Coworking, members confirm they have read, understood, and agreed to abide by the Member Agreement and Rules of Therapists Coworking.
©2024 Therapist Coworking by Epistamai